Friday, September 23, 2011

Vampire Diaries Recap

Last night's episode was pretty good, but I don't have much to say about it.

Horned rim glasses guy is on Vampire Diaries!  And he is Caroline's daddy! Caroline's storyline has promise now.  That guy always plays a good villian. The problem is, why is he suddenly on this show?  If he is Caroline's dad and a vampire hater, then wouldn't we have seen him before? The previews suggest that he doesn't outright kill her, but rather tortures her.  Maybe he will use her to get to the other vamps.  We know he won't kill her.  He'll probably come close but Tyler will save her.  Predictable.

I still don't care about Jeremy seeing dead people.  I never really liked the two dead girl characters anyway, so the fact that TVD is bringing them back annoys me.  I'm sure the storyline will be good, though. Where is Bonnie anyway?

I'm also sick of the Claus storyline.  I never liked it last year and I certainly don't like it now.  This storyline is also predictable:   Claus can't build his army because Elena isn't really dead.  Eventually he will figure this out and find her. That's when Stefan will reunite with Elena because he'll have to protect her. By the end of the season, Stefan will kill Claus. Blah blah blah.

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