Monday, September 19, 2011

Punta Cana - RHNJ

Last night, the real housewives headed to Punta Cana. A lot happened.  But before they left, Joe Gorga thought that it was important to sniff Melissa's bikini bottoms.  (EWWWW)  Then we see the best real housewives kid - Milania - lay the smackdown on Audriana.  It was like the WWF in her pack-and-play.  I need to have more kids so that I can watch Emily do that.

Once everyone arrives at Punta Cana, we find out that both Teresa and Lauren have their periods.   Next time I have my period, I am going to announce it on Facebook, cuz it's important that people know these things.

Teresa then shows everyone her stripper clothes.  The look of pain on Caroline's face says it all.  Doesn't Teresa kind of look like a gorilla? I digress. 

Next, the chick whose eyes bulge out of her head gets into a fight with Teresa.  Does every fight have to go back to the christening?  Geez this is so boring/stupid.  Even more important, why did Kathy wrap her clothing in tissue paper as she put it into the suitcase?????  WEIRDO!

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