Friday, September 23, 2011

Vampire Diaries Recap

Last night's episode was pretty good, but I don't have much to say about it.

Horned rim glasses guy is on Vampire Diaries!  And he is Caroline's daddy! Caroline's storyline has promise now.  That guy always plays a good villian. The problem is, why is he suddenly on this show?  If he is Caroline's dad and a vampire hater, then wouldn't we have seen him before? The previews suggest that he doesn't outright kill her, but rather tortures her.  Maybe he will use her to get to the other vamps.  We know he won't kill her.  He'll probably come close but Tyler will save her.  Predictable.

I still don't care about Jeremy seeing dead people.  I never really liked the two dead girl characters anyway, so the fact that TVD is bringing them back annoys me.  I'm sure the storyline will be good, though. Where is Bonnie anyway?

I'm also sick of the Claus storyline.  I never liked it last year and I certainly don't like it now.  This storyline is also predictable:   Claus can't build his army because Elena isn't really dead.  Eventually he will figure this out and find her. That's when Stefan will reunite with Elena because he'll have to protect her. By the end of the season, Stefan will kill Claus. Blah blah blah.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Glee Premiere

I never watched Glee until I had Emily.  One day, when she was a wee little baby, she wouldn't stop crying. So I put Glee on.  She immediately stopped.  After that, I decided to watch the show.  I stopped letting Emily watch because she kept interrupting (rude).

Last night's episode was a B.  The music sucked.  I basically watch the show for the music and it wasn't good so what else is there really to write about?

I did like Quinn's new look.  I secretly always wanted to dye my hair pink too.  One time in High School, I helped dye my friend's hair blue.  First, we had to bleach it and some of it fell out. I think that's why I never went through with dying my own hair pink.

Anyway, I wish Britney had more airtime. She is my favorite character.  I just love stupid people.  Santana is the best too.  Maybe she just reminds me of myself - always looking like she is ready to murder someone (not that I want to murder anyone - today- but I always look like I do).

Blaine is also starting to annoy me. He is way too perky.  I liked it when Finn called him out.

That's all for now...ta ta.

New Shows - Part 1

So this year I decided to watch some new shows.  The first one I watched was The Playboy Club.  I heard it didn't do so well in the ratings and had negative reviews, but I actually liked it.  Of course, it's trying to capture the successful formula that Mad Men has (same with Pan Am) and there were a few copycat moments.  For example, they make Eddie Cibrian (Nick Dalton) look and talk just like Don.  He also is a womanizer, just like Don.  I would have preferred that they didn't try to portray Nick as  Mad Men type.   Despite that, I still liked the show.  The mob/murder plot line has potential. I am also really intrigued by the lesbian bunny plot line.  But as I watched the show, I thought, Eddie Cibrian is really good looking - so why is he with LeAnn Rimes (yuck)?  This question will probably haunt me throughout the rest of the season.

The New Girl
So I can't write a full blog about this show because I only watched the first ten painful minutes.  This show is horrible.  I really like Zooey Deschanel, but she really messed up with this show.  Maybe I just don't like these 30 minute sitcoms (although I do love Modern Family).  The whole trench coat scene was predictable and awkward.  Her interview with her perspective roommates was equally awkward.  Furthermore, the three dudes are corny and lame (except for the black guy - he seemed to be the most normal and thus my favorite character, if I actually had to pick one).   Maybe if I'm bored and my DVR is cleared out I will watch the rest of the show and update this blog.  But for now, I will NOT be watching this crap.

I still have to watch 2 broke girls (it's on my DVR), but I heard that isn't so good either.

What new shows do you like?  What are you going to put on your DVR?  Why does no one ever answer my questions?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Punta Cana - RHNJ

Last night, the real housewives headed to Punta Cana. A lot happened.  But before they left, Joe Gorga thought that it was important to sniff Melissa's bikini bottoms.  (EWWWW)  Then we see the best real housewives kid - Milania - lay the smackdown on Audriana.  It was like the WWF in her pack-and-play.  I need to have more kids so that I can watch Emily do that.

Once everyone arrives at Punta Cana, we find out that both Teresa and Lauren have their periods.   Next time I have my period, I am going to announce it on Facebook, cuz it's important that people know these things.

Teresa then shows everyone her stripper clothes.  The look of pain on Caroline's face says it all.  Doesn't Teresa kind of look like a gorilla? I digress. 

Next, the chick whose eyes bulge out of her head gets into a fight with Teresa.  Does every fight have to go back to the christening?  Geez this is so boring/stupid.  Even more important, why did Kathy wrap her clothing in tissue paper as she put it into the suitcase?????  WEIRDO!