Friday, September 16, 2011

The Vampire Diaries - Season Premiere

I finally sat down and watched the premiere.  Oh I love Stefan as a baddie! He was never my favorite character because he was such a boring goody-two-shoes. I also realized that this show was always lacking vampires killing humans in cold blood.  Every once in a while they showed it, but never from the main characters (sometimes Damon). But then Stefan killed Damon's girl-toy.  That was great!  I also loved the ending when Stefan called Elena. His character finally has some depth.  

But back to the beginning of the show.  Was Elena in bed with her brother?  It sort of looked like it when they showed her opening his shades.  They probably weren't, but let's pretend and call them gross. 

Do you guys want a Damon/Elena romance?  I don't.  Damon reminds me of a dirty guy.  I don't know why.  I think if they did hook up, it would be like Sookie hooking up with Eric (True Blood) - it would ruin Damon.  As is, he's already too mushy now.  

So Jeremy is seeing ghosts of his ex-girlfriends.  I don't care. Let's move on.

I'm also not really a fan of Caroline.  She's stupid.  Matt's even worse.  Man up.  Get over her.  Tyler reminds me of someone, but I can't put my finger on it.  Wait, does he look like Anthony Weiner?  It was great seeing Tyler's mom shoot Caroline. I wonder what she's up to. 

I used to like Alaric too, but now he's too sad.  Hopefully that changes soon.

1 comment:

Alissa said...

I loved Damon! I bet anything that he and Elaina get together this season!