Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Game of Thrones - Season One

So did any of you watch Game of Thrones a couple of months ago?  I was a little late on the GOT bandwagon and started to watch it in June.  It was really hard to get into. The first few episodes were incredibly detailed and slightly boring (*gasp!*).  Nonetheless, I powered through them.  I'm only going to write about the few characters that I either loved or was perplexed by.  I'll address more in later posts. FYI to serious GOT watchers- spoilers are below.

What first caught my attention was when I saw Lysa breastfeeding her son, who is a young boy.  That's just disgusting, yet so intriguing! My favorite part was when he screams, "mommy I'm hungry!!!" and starts tugging at her shirt.  I really think George Martin has some mental issues that he needs to deal with.  Maybe I have mental issues too because I hope Robin, Lysa's son, continues to breastfeed in season two.  I could use a good laugh every now and then.

In the very first or second episode we are introduced to Cersei and Jamie Lannister.  They are the evil twins who have sex with each other.  Again, disgusting, yet intriguing!   We later find out that all of Cersei's children were fathered by Jamie.  How do these children not have four heads and ten arms?  Later on in the season, we see Cersei banging another Lannister.  What's wrong with her?  Nonetheless, while we all are supposed to hate Cersei, I love the actress who plays her!  She starred in the Sarah Connor Chronicles so how could I not love her?  (nerd alert)  As for Jamie, I know I'm supposed to hate him, but he hasn't really done anything so far that really makes me hate him (except for hurting Ned, who was one of the best characters on the show, besides little Arya). 

What did you think of the first season?


Anonymous said...

I like tacos.

Marisa said...

Thank you Bullerman

Mike Bullerman said...

I don't know what you're talking about I did not post that highly intelligent and witty comment

Anonymous said...

I am the one who took your red ball.

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